Update your trends
Design decisions should be made to suit you and yourfamily’s style while you are enjoying your home. Butnot everyone has the same taste. If you plan to putyour home on the market in the future, make sureyour designs aren’t living in the past.
Out:Tile and Dark Granite Counters
Tile countertops were all the rage in the 1970s. Inev-itably, the grout lines would attract stains that wereimpossible to clean. Then we witnessed an overloadof dark granite in kitchens during the early 2000s thatcomplemented the Tuscan kitchen phase.
Instead: If you’d like to keep your spacecurrent, ditch the tile with its hard-to-clean grout linesand replace granite with quartz, stone or marble inlighter, neutral shades. This look provides a minimal-ist modern aesthetic that is open and bright.

Out: Eliminating Closets
A frequent mistake homeowners often make is remov-ing closets to free up space for larger bedrooms ormaster baths. People need storage, so this immediatelyreduces your home’s value.
Instead: With the right furnishings andtextiles, a smaller bedroom can feel cozy and perfect-ly-sized. Having good storage means you can put awaythe “clutter” that a larger bedroom tends to accumu-late. It also reduces wasted space that you are reallynot going to enjoy anyway.

Out:Hollywood Mirrior Lights
You know exactly the ones we are talking about. Largebulbs lining the mirror frame that leave you feeling likea deer in the headlights every morning. These type lightsaren’t energy efficient, and they can be expensive toreplace.
Instead: Opt for lighting that produces a morenatural glow. In a bathroom, you should have some gen-eral purpose overhead lighting and some vanity lighting.There are endless options for sconces and light fixturesthat produce variable mirror lighting without the glare.
Out: Wallpaper Borders
Whether it runs through the middle of the room or trims thetop of your wall, this trend should stop short anytime afterthe 90s.
Instead: Wallpaper, in general, took a tim-out for adecade, but it’s back and more fashionable than ever. Home-owners are using it in a myriad of cool, creative ways like onaccent walls, in powder rooms and on ceilings. Wallpapercan work in your home, but, seriously, the border has to go.

Out: Whole House Wall-to-Wall Carpeting
Carpet is relatively inexpensive and feels great underfoot,but it also stains easily and holds on to dirt and grime.Sometiimes this even creates problems with allergies. If youare planning to sell your home, wood flooring is your bestbet.
Instead: Wood and tile still remain top choices forflooring. They are both durable and easy to clean. The bonusis you can add beautiful rugs to regain the soft touch ofcarpet.