As pool designs have taken on different shapes and styles, so have their edges. Vanishing edge and perimeter overflow pools have become quite popular over the past few years as homeowners deal up their outdoor spaces. Both of these general terms are used to describe water-in-transit effects that attempt to blur the lines between pool construction and nature.
While vanishing edge most often refers to the appearance of pool water disappearing into the horizon, perimeter overflow can reference several effects–water flowing over the raised edge of the pool above the decking, water flowing over all edges while clinging to an exterior riser, or water flowing over the angled pool coping into a narrow slot on the back edge.
These are all techniques that custom pool builders are familiar with, but this pool’s perimeter-overflow type is known as the Lautnerknife-edge design.
John Lautner was an American architect in the 1930s who apprenticed under Frank Lloyd Wright. Like his mentor, he embraced the principles of Organic Architecture –a philosophy that promotes the harmony of human habitation and nature. His pool design attempts to create the visual appearance that the pool is actually part of the ground surface.

The Lautner knife-edge pool is one of the most challenging overflow pool designs to create. In this detail, water flows to the edge of the pool at the deck level and spills into a hidden slot just before the dry decking. This allows the water to be completely even with the decking–without angled, submerged coping.
The visual result is worth the challenge. When approaching the knife-edge perimeter-overflow pool, you look down into the pool to the full depth of water while your feet remain completely dry. It’s a detail that creates a definite “wow” factor because it intrigues and delights the average person who knows nothing about the workings of the system.
The Lautner knife-edge design will definitely take your pool to the next level, but it must be designed and installed correctly and precisely, so it is best to hire a knowledgeable pool builder. The finished result will captivate your friends and family and complement the beautiful natural scenery of the Lowcountry. For more information about this and other pool designs, visit the experienced, qualified professionals at Aqua Blue Pools., 843-379-2250