First introduced to the members in 2012, The Premier Builder Program recognizes builders who look first to fellow Home Builders Association members when building or remodeling a home. Builders must apply to the program and provide a listing of all subcontractors, suppliers and industry professionals who have contributed to their projects over a year’s time. To be approved, 80 percent must be members of the Hilton Head Area Home Builders Association. In addition, the builder must attend at least one Home Builders Association event or meeting per quarter, actively recruit at least two new members to the association each year, and complete at least six hours of industry-related continuing education.
Added to the annual LightHouse Awards Program in 2014, the HBA’s Premier Builder of the Year is presented to one Premier Builder Program participant who not only meets the program requirements, but takes, “doing business with a member” to a whole other level. It was with great pleasure and appreciation the 2020 Premier Builder of the Year Award was presented to husband and wife team, Ron and Patricia Strimpfel of Reclamation By Design, Ltd.

The Strimpfel’s have been active members of the HBA for over 30 years, serving multiple terms as members as well as officer of the Board of Directors. In 2014 Patricia Strimpfel served as the organization’s first and only female president to date. The Strimpfel’s have made it their mission to live up to the commitment of being an HBA Premier Builder, striving to solely utilize HBA members on all of their projects. They actively advocate, participate, mentor and support all aspects of the Association; assisting in preserving the integrity of the program.